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io [2021/08/26 17:16] – created pulkomandyio [2025/02/23 15:23] (current) – [Configuration] Region codes simer
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 +This information was extracted from the V.Smile Motion schematics which was (accidentally?) published by the FCC with the certification for the console.
 +Local copy of the document: {{ ::fcc:vsmile-motion-schematics.pdf |}}
 ====== Port A ====== ====== Port A ======
-===== V.Link SPI =====+The use of Port A changes a bit on various generations of machines 
 +===== V.Smile Motion ===== 
 +==== V.Link SPI ====
   * IOA0: SPI clock   * IOA0: SPI clock
Line 9: Line 17:
   * IOA4: Chip select   * IOA4: Chip select
-===== Console type =====+==== Console type ====
 ^ Console        ^ IOA14 ^ IOA15 ^ ^ Console        ^ IOA14 ^ IOA15 ^
Line 17: Line 25:
 | Cyber Pocket   | 1     | 1     | | Cyber Pocket   | 1     | 1     |
-===== Other =====+==== Other ==== 
 +  * IOA11: Only a pull down resitor? 
 +  * IOA12: Only a test point on the motherboard? 
 +===== V.Smile Pocket ===== 
 +  * IOA0-IOA11: LCD STN interface 
 +  * IOA13: LCD backlight control 
 +  * IOA14: Read as 0 according to notes in V.Smile Motion schematics 
 +====== Port B ====== 
 +===== ROM and cartridge ===== 
 +  * IOB0: extra address bit for the cartridge port, access second half of ROM 
 +  * IOB1: Set to 0 to enable cartridge ROM 
 +  * IOB2: Set to 0 to enable internal ROM 
 +Note: these can be used with the "External Memory Control" register, in that case they are controlled by the CPU core automatically depending on the address being accessed. 
 +For example in external address mode 2 or 3 (4 ROMs mode): 
 +^Pin   ^Address range^ 
 +|IOB0  |100000-1FFFFF| 
 +|IOB1  |200000-2FFFFF| 
 +|IOB2  |300000-3FFFFF| 
 +In external address mode 0: ROMCSB is the only one used for the whole range (note: ROMCSB is not wired to anything, so in this area no ROM will be enabled) 
 +In external mode 1 (2 ROMs mode): 
 +^Pin   ^Address range^ 
 +|IOB1  |200000-3FFFFF| 
 +Additionally, the end of the address space can also receive RAM (in the cartridge), this is configured separately and different RAM sizes are possible. 
 +===== Power control ===== 
 +  * IOB3: Labelled "RESTART", not used? 
 +  * IOB4: "A/D", related to the ADC? 
 +  * IOB5: Voltage detect (ADC measurement of battery level or power supply) 
 +  * IOB6: Pulled to ground by the ON button 
 +  * IOB7: Pulled to ground by the OFF button 
 +====== Port C ====== 
 +===== Configuration ===== 
 +|No screen (v1.02+)                                                          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |  0  | 
 +|No screen (v1.02+)                                                          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |  1  | 
 +|Italian (v1.03), UK English variant (without subtitle) (v1.02)              | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  2  | 
 +|US English variant (without subtitle) (v1.02+)                              | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |  3  | 
 +|US English variant (with alternate subtitle "TV Learning System") (v1.02+)  | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |  4  | 
 +|US English audio variant without "V.Smile!" speech sample (v1.02+)          | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |  5  | 
 +|UK English audio variant without "V.Smile!" speech sample (v1.02+)          | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |  6  |  
 +|Chinese                                                                     | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |  7  | 
 +|Portuguese                                                                  | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |  8  | 
 +|Dutch? (same data as US English)                                            | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |  9  | 
 +|UK English variant (without subtitle) (v1.03), Italian (v1.00, v1.02)       | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |  A  | 
 +|German                                                                      | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |  B  | 
 +|Spanish                                                                     | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |  C  | 
 +|French                                                                      | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |  D  | 
 +|UK English (with standard subtitle)                                         | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |  E  | 
 +|US English (with standard subtitle)                                         | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |  F  | 
 +The standard English subtitle is "Learning System" in v1.02+ and "TV Learning System" in v1.00. 
 +Values below 7 have the same behavior as US English in v1.00, except that values below 6 boots to a blinking 
 +blue VTech logo in white when no cartridge is inserted. 
 +Note that Italian and the subtitle-less variant of UK English swap places in v1.03. 
 +IOC4: if 1: show logo animation at boot 
 +IOC5: currently unknown, maybe LCD/TV detection? Unused in V.Smile motion schematics, test point in older consoles? 
 +===== Power control =====
-  * IOA11? +  * IOC6audio output enable 
-  * IOA12?+  * IOC7Power control (on V.Smile motion: microphone power control and wireless controller control)
 +===== Controllers =====
 +  * IOC8: Controller A clear to send (to controller)
 +  * IOC9: Controller B clear to send (to controller)
 +  * IOC10: Controller A request to send (from controller)
 +  * IOC12: Controller B request to send (from controller)
 +  * IOC13: UART Rx (from controller)
 +  * IOC14: UART Tx (to controller)
 +  * IOC15: Controller power?
io.1629998175.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/26 17:16 by pulkomandy
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