The sound controller has 16 channels with configurable replay frequencies, and volume envelope generators. Each channel has two 22-bit pointers to a sample in RAM or ROM, one used for the initial sound trigger and the second used as a loop point. Samples can be either 8-bit or 16-bit unsigned PCM, or IMA ADPCM.

Channel register map

Address Function
30×0 Channel X sample address
30×1 Channel X control (bit 14: 16M, 13-12: ToneMode, 11-6: Loop address segment, 5-0: sample address segment)
30×2 Channel X loop address
30×3 Channel X panning and volume (7 bits each)
30×4 Channel X envelope target volume and increment
30×5 Channel X envelope CNT and EDD (?)
30×6 Channel X repeat count (bits 15-9), repeat enable (8), Envelope load (7-0)
30×7 Channel X IRQ address (15-9), IRQ enable, envelope segment (6-0)
30×8 Channel X envelope address
30×9 Channel X wave data 0
30xA Channel X ramp down offset (15-9) and envelope address offset (8-0)
30xB Channel X wave data
32×0 Phase high bits (2-0)
32×1 Phase accumulator high (2-0)
32×2 Target phase high (2-0)
32×3 Ramp down clock
32×4 Phase low bits
32×5 Phase accumulator low bits
32×6 Target phase low bits
32×7 Phase control: time step (15-13), sign (12), offset (11-0)

Global register map

Address Function
3400 Channel enable (1 bit per channel)
3401 Main volume (7 bits)
3402 Channel FIQ enable
3403 Channel FIQ status
3404 Beat base counter
3405 Beat counter (13-0), IRQ enable (15) and status (14)
3406 Envelope interval, channels 0-3
3407 … channels 4-7
3408 … channels 8-11
3409 … channels 12-15
340A Envelope fast ramp-down
340B Channel stop status (1 bit per channel)
340C Zero cross enable (1 bit per channel)
340D Control flags: NoInt (9), LPEn (8), HVol(7-6), SOF (5), Init (3), PCM (2)
340F Channels status
3410 Left mixer input
3411 Right mixer input
3412 Left mixer output
3413 Right mixer output
3414 Channel repeat enable (1 bit per channel)
3415 Channel envelope mode
3416 Channel tone release control
3417 Channel envelope IRQ status
3418 Channel pitch band enable

Sound formats and tone modes

The formats supported by the SPU is IMA ADPCM, 8-bit unsigned PCM and 16-bit unsigned PCM.

The sound format and tone mode used for each channel are controlled by the channel mode register (30×1), which contains the following fields:

  • IMA ADPCM enabled (bit 15)
  • Sample bit depth (bit 14)
    • 0 - 8-bit PCM
    • 1 - 16-bit PCM (should also be used for ADPCM)
  • Tone mode (bits 12-13)
    • 00 - software mode (software writes samples manually to wave data register)
    • 01 - auto-end mode
    • 10 - auto-repeat mode
    • 11 - reserved
  • High bits (16-21) of loop address (bits 6-11)
  • High bits (16-21) of wave address (bits 0-5)

The low 16 bits of the wave address and loop address are stored in 30×0 and 30×2 respectively.

The auto-end and auto-repeat modes automatically fetch samples during play from the value address pointed at by the wave address register, which is automatically incremented by hardware during playing. When an end marker value is fetched (FF in any of the word halves for 8-bit PCM and FFFF for 16-bit PCM and ADPCM), the hardware will either stop the channel when in auto-end mode or reset the wave address to the value of the loop address when in auto-repeat mode.

Channel phase logic

The Phase (32×0, 32×4) and Phase Accumulator (32×1, 32×5) registers are 19-bit registers used for linearly interpolating between samples and controlling the sample rate of each channel when in auto-end or auto-repeat mode.

For each 281250 Hz tick (27 MHz/96), the Phase Accumulator register for each active channel is increased by the value of the Phase register. If the Phase Accumulator register wraps around, the next sample is loaded from the wave address into the Wave Data register of the channel and the previous one is moved into the Wave Data 0 register.

If interpolation is turned on in the control flag register (340D), the channel output is generated by the linear interpolation formula ((WaveData0 * (0x80000 - PhaseAcc)) >> 19) + ((WaveData * PhaseAcc) >> 19). The exact precision used in the interpolation is currently unknown.

The phase value to use for a sample can be calculated from the audio sample rate with the formula Phase = SampleRate * (0x80000 / 281250).

When initializing a channel, Wave Data and Wave Data 0 should be set to 0x8000 if 16-bit or ADPCM, or 0x8080 if 8-bit to avoid buggy interpolation in the initial sample.

FIXME Document the optional phase pitch bend feature

Beat interrupts

The SPU provides a beat interrupt which can be used to drive sequenced music tracks.

Beat interrupts are enabled by writing to the enable bit (bit 15) of the beat count register (0x3405).

When enabled, the beat count will decrease at a regular rate governed by the beat base count register. When the beat count reaches zero, the beat interrupt will trigger IRQ4 in the CPU. The interrupt is acknowledged by writing 1 to the status bit (bit 14). The beat count is not automatically reset, instead the program should fill the beat count field with a new value.

The beat base count register (0x3404) defines the rate in which the beat count is automatically decreased as (value / 70312.5) Hz, or multiples of 14.2222… µs. The time until the next beat interrupt will be 14.2222 µs * BeatCount * BeatBaseCount.

spu.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/08 17:48 by simer
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