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spu [2024/07/01 11:27] – removed - external edit (Unknown date) [2025/02/08 17:48] (current) – [Beat interrupts] simer
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 +The sound controller has 16 channels with configurable replay frequencies, and volume envelope generators. Each channel has two 22-bit pointers to a sample in RAM or ROM, one used for the initial sound trigger and the second used as a loop point. Samples can be either 8-bit or 16-bit unsigned PCM, or IMA ADPCM.
 +====== Channel register map ======
 +^ Address ^ Function                 ^
 +| 30x0    | Channel X sample address |
 +| 30x1    | Channel X control (bit 14: 16M, 13-12: ToneMode, 11-6: Loop address segment, 5-0: sample address segment) |
 +| 30x2    | Channel X loop address   |
 +| 30x3    | Channel X panning and volume (7 bits each)      |
 +| 30x4    | Channel X envelope target volume and increment |
 +| 30x5    | Channel X envelope CNT and EDD (?)              |
 +| 30x6    | Channel X repeat count (bits 15-9), repeat enable (8), Envelope load (7-0) |
 +| 30x7    | Channel X IRQ address (15-9), IRQ enable, envelope segment (6-0)           |
 +| 30x8    | Channel X envelope address                                                 |
 +| 30x9    | Channel X wave data 0                                                       |
 +| 30xA    | Channel X ramp down offset (15-9) and envelope address offset (8-0)        |
 +| 30xB    | Channel X wave data                                                         |
 +| 32x0    | Phase high bits (2-0)         |
 +| 32x1    | Phase accumulator high (2-0)  |
 +| 32x2    | Target phase high (2-0)       |
 +| 32x3    | Ramp down clock               |
 +| 32x4    | Phase low bits                |
 +| 32x5    | Phase accumulator low bits    |
 +| 32x6    | Target phase low bits         |
 +| 32x7    | Phase control: time step (15-13), sign (12), offset (11-0)                  |
 +====== Global register map ======
 +^ Address ^ Function                                  ^
 +| 3400    | Channel enable (1 bit per channel)        |
 +| 3401    | Main volume (7 bits)                      |
 +| 3402    | Channel FIQ enable                        |
 +| 3403    | Channel FIQ status                        |
 +| 3404    | Beat base counter                         |
 +| 3405    | Beat counter (13-0), IRQ enable (15) and status (14) |
 +| 3406    | Envelope interval, channels 0-3           |
 +| 3407    | ... channels 4-7                          |
 +| 3408    | ... channels 8-11                         |
 +| 3409    | ... channels 12-15                        |
 +| 340A    | Envelope fast ramp-down                   |
 +| 340B    | Channel stop status (1 bit per channel)   |
 +| 340C    | Zero cross enable (1 bit per channel)     |
 +| 340D    | Control flags: NoInt (9), LPEn (8), HVol(7-6), SOF (5), Init (3), PCM (2) |
 +| 340F    | Channels status                           |
 +| 3410    | Left mixer input                          |
 +| 3411    | Right mixer input                         |
 +| 3412    | Left mixer output                         |
 +| 3413    | Right mixer output                        |
 +| 3414    | Channel repeat enable (1 bit per channel) |
 +| 3415    | Channel envelope mode                     |
 +| 3416    | Channel tone release control              |
 +| 3417    | Channel envelope IRQ status               |
 +| 3418    | Channel pitch band enable                 |
 +====== Sound formats and tone modes ======
 +The formats supported by the SPU is IMA ADPCM, 8-bit unsigned PCM and 16-bit unsigned PCM.
 +The sound format and tone mode used for each channel are controlled by the channel mode register (30x1), which contains the following fields:
 +  * IMA ADPCM enabled (bit 15)
 +  * Sample bit depth (bit 14)
 +    * 0 - 8-bit PCM
 +    * 1 - 16-bit PCM (should also be used for ADPCM)
 +  * Tone mode (bits 12-13)
 +    * 00 - software mode (software writes samples manually to wave data register)
 +    * 01 - auto-end mode
 +    * 10 - auto-repeat mode
 +    * 11 - reserved
 +  * High bits (16-21) of loop address (bits 6-11)
 +  * High bits (16-21) of wave address (bits 0-5)
 +The low 16 bits of the wave address and loop address are stored in 30x0 and 30x2 respectively.
 +The auto-end and auto-repeat modes automatically fetch samples during play from the value address pointed at by the wave address register,
 +which is automatically incremented by hardware during playing.
 +When an end marker value is fetched (FF in any of the word halves for 8-bit PCM and FFFF for 16-bit PCM and ADPCM), the hardware will either
 +stop the channel when in auto-end mode or reset the wave address to the value of the loop address when in auto-repeat mode.
 +===== Channel phase logic =====
 +The Phase (32x0, 32x4) and Phase Accumulator (32x1, 32x5) registers are 19-bit registers used for 
 +linearly interpolating between samples and controlling the sample rate of each channel when in auto-end or auto-repeat mode.
 +For each 281250 Hz tick (27 MHz/96), the Phase Accumulator register for each active channel is increased
 +by the value of the Phase register. If the Phase Accumulator register wraps around, the next
 +sample is loaded from the wave address into the Wave Data register of the channel and the previous one
 +is moved into the Wave Data 0 register. 
 +If interpolation is turned on in the control flag register (340D), the channel output is generated
 +by the linear interpolation formula ''%%((WaveData0 * (0x80000 - PhaseAcc)) >> 19) + ((WaveData * PhaseAcc) >> 19)%%''
 +The exact precision used in the interpolation is currently unknown.
 +The phase value to use for a sample can be calculated from the audio sample rate with the formula ''Phase = SampleRate * (0x80000 / 281250)''.
 +When initializing a channel, Wave Data and Wave Data 0 should be set to 0x8000 if 16-bit or ADPCM, or 0x8080 if 8-bit to avoid buggy interpolation in the initial sample.
 +FIXME Document the optional phase pitch bend feature
 +====== Beat interrupts ======
 +The SPU provides a beat interrupt which can be used to drive sequenced music tracks.
 +Beat interrupts are enabled by writing to the enable bit (bit 15) of the beat count register (0x3405). 
 +When enabled, the beat count will decrease at a regular rate governed by the beat base count register. When the beat count reaches zero, the beat interrupt will trigger IRQ4 in the CPU. The interrupt is acknowledged by writing 1 to the status bit (bit 14). The beat count is not automatically reset, instead the program should fill the beat count field with a new value.
 +The beat base count register (0x3404) defines the rate in which the beat count is automatically decreased as ''(value / 70312.5) Hz'', or multiples of 14.2222... µs. The time until the next beat interrupt will be ''14.2222 µs * BeatCount * BeatBaseCount''.
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