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C compilers

SunPlus released sources for the C compiler. It doesn't include the assembler and is based on GCC 2.95 so quite hard to compile:

µ'nSP IDE is the official IDE for the CPU used. It can still be downloaded from GeneralPlus website - local copy


XASM is the original assembler provided by the µ'nSP IDE

naken_asm has support for µ'nSP and provides a standard include file for SPG200 registers.

Work in progress patch to add µ'nSP support in vasm. There are problems in vasm handling the pure 16-bit CPU, I have asked the vasm developers for help solving that.

This early homebrew experiment took an interesting approach of not using an assembler at all.



development_tools.1682242321.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/23 09:32 by pulkomandy
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